________________________________________________________________ IconEdit(VERSION 1.00) Copyright (c) 1997 Ziff-Davis Publishing Company By Michael J. Mefford First Published in PC Magazine June 24, 1997 ________________________________________________________________ About IconEdit... IconEdit lets you create and modify 32x32 16-color icons the type that are used on the Windows 95 desktop. Though Windows uses icons of other sizes, it will rescale icons as needed. So if you change the icon of a Desktop shortcut and then place it in your Start menu, you will see a scaled down, 16x16 version of it in the Start menu. If you change the icon for a Windows program, the new icon will only be visible within Explorer (i.e., on your desktop or in your Start menu). When you actually run the program, the original icon compiled with the program will appear on the taskbar or in the tray. (DOS programs will use the new icon because there is no icon embedded within the executable.) The only way to get a Windows program to use the new icon is to recompile it with the new icon, or use a resource editor such as Borland's Resource Workshop. USAGE: To install IconEdit, copy the program files ICONEDIT.EXE and ICONEDIT.HLP to a subdirectory on your hard disk, and create an icon for IconEdit in your shell. When you first launch IconEdit, you'll see a toolbar on the left with an empty editing window to the right. Select File|New to create a new icon, or File|Open to load an existing icon for editing. You can save an icon you've edited by clicking the diskette button at the top of the tool bar or by selecting Save in the File menu. If you you obtained the icon from within an .EXE or .DLL file, it will be saved as an icon file (.ICO) and not back into the file from which you obtained it. The editing window displays two representations of the icon: a large zoomed-in square that's eight times bigger than the actual icon, and a small square to its right that's actual size. The zoomed square is where the editing takes place. New icons appear as solid green with a black square surrounding each pixel representation. The pixels are, of course, eight times actual size like the square itself for ease of editing. The green color is not actually the starting color of the icon, but instead represents the transparent "color". An icon is a bitmap with two additional special properties. Pixels of an icon can not only be a specific color; they also can be transparent or screen reverse color. A transparent pixel lets the background color of whatever the icon is over show through. A reverse screen color pixel takes on the opposite color of whatever the icon is over. Both IconEdit's large editing square and the actual icon sized square are ordinary bitmaps without transparent or reverse screen color capabilities. The display of transparency and reverse screen color during editing would cause a substantial performance hit, so IconEdit instead substitutes fixed colors for transparent and reverse screen colors. IconEdit uses dark green in the editing bitmap to represent transparency, and red to represent reverse color. You can see transparent and reverse color by selecting Test Icon from the Icon menu. In the test icon window that appears you'll see the icon as a true icon, and you can select different window colors to see how the icon looks against different color backgrounds. The two large color squares right under the tools are the current colors for the left and right mouse buttons, respectively. When you launch IconEdit, the left mouse button color is black and the right mouse button color is white. If you click with the left mouse button on a pixel with the pencil tool, for example, the pixel will turn black. Click with the right mouse button and the pixel will turn white. To change the default colors, click on one of the 16 colors in the palette just below the current color boxes with either the left or right mouse button. Clicking on a palette color with the left button will change the left button color and a right button click will change the right button color. The tool bar consists of eight tools: capture, pencil, fill, line, hollow and filled rectangle, and hollow and filled ellipse. These will be familiar to anyone who has used a paint program. The default tool when you start editing an icon is the pencil, since this is the tool you'll probably use the most. The pencil let's you color one pixel at a time. To change a pixel simply place the point of the pencil cursor over a pixel in the big editing square and click. You can pencil-draw several pixels at once by dragging the pencil over an area. Support for IconEdit: Support for the free utilities offered by PC Magazine can be obtained electronically in the discussion area of PC Magazine's Web site. Go to the URL http://www.pcmag.com/discuss.htm/ and select the Utilities area. You can also access the Utilities discussion area from the utility's download page. The authors of current utilities generally monitor the discussion area every day. You may find an answer to your question simply by reading the messages previously posted. If the author is not available and you have a question that the sysops can't answer, the editor of the Utilities column, who also checks the area each day, will contact the author for you. Rick Knoblaugh is a systems programmer and a frequent contributor to PC Magazine. _____________________________________________________________